There Is No Tentative Life!

The biggest part of our lives, we live it like it is tentative. We act like we will have a test at the end of it and then we will live the real life. We forget to let free ourselves to feel good… We forget to try about everything we want to get! Until there comes a day we will realise we lost our best years!

My response to the daily post

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I started writing (Greek Novels & Narratives) at the age of 11. I use to write about thriller, or drama, or both into one Novel. From the age of 19, I own my blog "Open Mind", which I created on my own! I write small texts, all about the way we think, act and generally the way we live! From the age of 20, I created my Gallery into the blog. It is about photographs I take. Most of them, are about sights of the sea, the sky, the clouds. I love to keep moments! Either into my writings, or through photographs. I don't trust my memory, because it will probably leave me someday! Into this blog, you will find: Posts about everything I write on my own. (small texts, responses, novels, narratives) Photographs into Gallery that I shoot, most of them have no effect. --> Selected images into my writings' posts, are some of them from the internet - and some are from my Gallery! ~You will find the Creative Commons into menu! Thank you for your time!~
